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  • Tiffany Daniels

Action 24/72: Right Treatment, Right Timeframe

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

To improve outcomes in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) we must assess as many patients as possible for clinical trials

Patients with AML Deteriorate Rapidly

Best practice guidelines state that all patients that are eligible should be entered onto a clinical trial where possible. In order to achieve this, we must ensure patients are seen by or referred to specialist centres in a timely manner following initial diagnosis or confirmed relapse and assessed immediately.

All Haematology Departments Should Apply the Action 24/72 Rule

If you patient is experiencing symptoms of active AML (abnormal blood counts, signs of sepsis, unexplained bruising or bleeding, bone pain) apply Action 24/72.

For newly presenting patients:

TREAT AS MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Patient must be SEEN by specialist AML centre within 24 HOURS

For patients with known AML:

Patient must be REFERRED to specialist AML centre within 72 HOURS

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